Rabu, 7 Mei 2014

Sepuluh Balai Neraka


Sepuluh Balai Neraka ini memaparkan hukuman yang diterima pendosa selepas jiwanya dihembus habis dari tubuh ketika itu. Sesiapa yang berdosa semasa di karma bhumi itu dihukum di neraka. Kelampauan hukuman itu menurut kepada jenis dosa. Jelmaan semula jiwa pun menurut corak tertentu. Sepuluh Balai ini merupakan gambaran penganut Buddha Cina. Terletak di Villa Har Paw, Pasir Panjang, Singapura. Dibina tahun 1937. Masuk percuma.

Bahasa Inggeris

The Ten Courts of Hell shows the punishments given out to the sinners after death, who committed crimes in their life in earth. The intensity of punishment varied according to the crime. The rebirth pattern is also varied, accordingly. The Ten Courts of Hell located at the Har Paw Villa, Pasir Panjang in Singapore. This was built in 1937 and admission is free.

(The video is only for educational purpose; the credit and intellectual rights for documentation goes to the video maker. Not the property of this site!)

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